Principal Investigator

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dorothea Hämmerer

Lab administrator
lab administrator (Innsbruck)
Julia Baumgartner
Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Sabrina Lenzoni
University of Innsbruck​
Changes in noradrenergic brain function in early stages of Alzheimer's
Neural dynamics of sleep-wake regulation in aging
Autonomic markers of metacognitive monitoring

Dr. Lucía Penalba Sánchez
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Altered functional brain networks in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Relevance of the noradrenergic system for maintaining cognitive functions in old age

Yeo-Jin Yi
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Changes in noradrenergic brain function in early Alzheimer's
PhD Students

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Stimulation of the noradrenergic system as a therapeutic
intervention in old age
Mareike Ludwig

Marina Leiman
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Relevance of the noradrenergic system for maintaining cognitive functions in old age

Alina Zhunussova
Research Assistants

Sarah Gaßmann
University of Innsbruck

Carina Zeitler
University of Innsbruck

Maria Dobrushina
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Altered functional brain networks in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Sayyeda Chandni
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Altered functional brain networks in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment​
Master Students

Maximilian Boll
University of Innsbruck

Lilli Fee Schulz
University of Innsbruck

Richard Lohr
University of Innsbruck

Joshua Horngacher
University of Innsbruck
Tobias Holzinger
University of Innsbruck

Philipp Feistmantl
University of Innsbruck
Undergraduate Students

Lilly Halser
University of Innsbruck

Nicole Heinz
University of Innsbruck

Jamie Kofler
University of Innsbruck
Medical Students

Simon Gasser
University of Innsbruck
Anne Berry, Brandeis University: FMT PET
Dr. Bryce Mander, University of Irvine California, USA: Sleep and aging
Dr. Daniela G. Femminella, Clinical Psychopathology - AOU Federico II, Napoli, Italy: fMRI in AD
Dr. Elif Kurt, Istanbul University: fMRI in AD​
Dr. Giulio Bernardi, IMT Lucca, Italy: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI and sleep
Dr. Matt Nassar, Brown University, USA: Pupillometry & cognitive modelling
Hendrik Mattern, University Magdeburg & Stefanie Schreiber, University Magdeburg: Vascular health in the brainstem
Ildiko Dunay, University Magdeburg: Immunological assessments
​Jarkko Joahnsson, Umeå University:
Fallypride PET
Jens Wiltfang, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases:
Neurodegeneration markers
Kathy Liu, University of Pennsylvania: LC in dementia​
Martina Callaghan, University College London: LC imaging
Michael Kreissl, University Magdeburg: Fallypride PET
Oliver Speck, University Magdeburg: tVNS-fMRI & ultra-high field imaging
Osama Sabri, University Leipzig,
Swen Hesse, University Leipzig and Marianna Patt, University Augsburg:
Fallypride PET
Rob Howard, University College London:
Pharmacological interventions
Rogier Kievit, Max Planck UCL Centre: Structural Equation Modeling
Tino Zähle, University Magdeburg & Matthias Prigge, University Magdeburg: tVNS Stimulations