
Selected publications on the role of the noradrenergic system in ageing and dementia
Chen HY, Parent JH, Ciampa CJ, Dahl MJ, Hämmerer D, Maass A, Winer JR, Yakupov R, Inglis B, Betts MJ, Berry AS (2023). Interactive effects of locus coeruleus structure and catecholamine synthesis capacity on cognitive function. Front Aging Neurosci. 2023 Sep 6. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2023.1236335. fnagi.2023.1236335. eCollection 2023. PMID: 37744395 Free PMC article. PDF
Ludwig M, Yi YJ, Lüsebrink F, Callaghan MF, Betts MJ, Yakupov R, Weiskopf N, Dolan RJ, Düzel E, Hämmerer D. (2024) Functional locus coeruleus imaging to investigate an ageing noradrenergic system. doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06446-5. PDF
Leiman M, Ludwig M, Krohn F, Hämmerer D, Yi YJ. (2024) Cholinergic neuromodulation in the aging brain - Implications for neuropsychiatric diseases: Commentary on "neuromodulatory systems in aging and disease" special issue. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2024.105654. PDF
Yi YJ, Lüsebrink F, Ludwig M, Maaß A, Ziegler G, Yakupov R, Kreißl MC, Betts M, Speck O, Düzel E, Hämmerer D. (2023) It is the locus coeruleus! Or… is it?: a proposition for analyses and reporting standards for structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging. PDF
Lancini E, Haag L, Bartl F, Rühling M, Ashton NJ, Zetterberg H, Düzel E, Hämmerer D, Betts MJ. (2023) Cerebrospinal fluid and positron-emission tomography biomarkers for noradrenergic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad085. PDF
Ehrenberg AJ, Kelberman MA, Liu KY, Dahl MJ, Weinshenker D, Falgàs N, Dutt S, Mather M, Ludwig M, Betts MJ, Winer JR, Teipel S, Weigand AJ, Eschenko O, Hämmerer D, Leiman M, Counts SE, Shine JM, Robertson IH, Levey AI, Lancini E, Son G, Schneider C, Egroo MV, Liguori C, Wang Q, Vazey EM, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Haag L, Bondi MW, Vanneste S, Freeze WM, Yi YJ, Maldinov M, Gatchel J, Satpati A, Babiloni C, Kremen WS, Howard R, Jacobs HIL, Grinberg LT. (2023) Priorities for research on neuromodulatory subcortical systems in Alzheimer's disease: Position paper from the NSS PIA of ISTAART. doi: 10.1002/alz.12937. PDF
Liebe, T., Kaufmann, J., Hämmerer, D., Betts, M., Walter, M. (2022) In vivo tractography of human locus coeruleus-relation to 7T resting state fMRI, psychological measures and single subject validity. Molecular Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-022-01761-x, PDF
Kathy Liu, Rogier A. Kievit, Kamen A. Tsvetanov, Matthew J. Betts, Emrah Düzel, James Rowe, Rob Howard, Dorothea Hämmerer. (2020) Noradrenergic-dependent functions are associated with age-related locus coeruleus signal intensity differences. Nature communications, 11 (1), 1-9. PDF
Matthew J. Betts, Evgeniya Kirilina, Maria Otaduy, Dimo Ivanov, Julio Acosta-Cabronero, Martina Callaghan, Christian Lambert, Arturo Cardenas-Blanco, Kerrin Pine, Luca Passamonti, Clare Loane1, Max C. Keuken, Paula Trujillo, Falk Lüsebrink, Hendrik Mattern, Kathy Liu, Nikos Priovoulos, Klaus Fließbach, Martin J. Dahl, Anne Maaß, Christopher F. Madelung, David Meder, Alexander J. Ehrenberg, Oliver Speck, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Raymond Dolan, Ben Inglis, Duygu Tosun, Markus Morawski, Fabio A. Zucca, Hartwig Siebner, Mara Mather, Kamil Uludag, Helmut Heinsen, Benedikt A. Poser, Robert Howard, Luigi Zecca, James B Rowe, Lea T. Grinberg, Heidi I.L. Jacobs, Emrah Düzel*, Hämmerer, D*. (2019) Locus coeruleus imaging as a biomarker for noradrenergic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Brain, 142, 2558-2571. *shared last PDF
Hämmerer, D ., Schwartenbeck, P., Gallagher, M., FitzGerald, T.H.B., Düzel, E. and Dolan, R.J. (2019) Older adults fail to form stable task representations during model-based inference. Neurobiology of Aging 74, 90-100.
Liu, K. Y., Acosta-Cabronero, J., Cardenas-Blanco, A., Betts, M. J., Kievit, R.A., Henson, R.N., Loane, C., Berry, A.J., Düzel, E., Cam-CAN, Howard, R., Hämmerer, D. In vivo visualization of age-related changes in the locus coeruleus (2019) Neurobiology of Aging 74, 101-111. PDF
Betts, M., Ehrenberger, A. J., Hämmerer, D., Düzel, E. (2018) Commentary: Locus Coeruleus Ablation Exacerbates Cognitive Deficits, Neuropathology, and Lethality in P301S Tau Transgenic Mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 401. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Callaghan, M.F., Hopkins, A., Kosciessa, J., Betts, M.., Cardenas-Blanco, A., Kanowski, M., Weiskopf, N., Dayan, P., Dolan, R.J. and Düzel, E. (2018) Locus coeruleus integrity in old age is selectively related to memories linked with salient negative events. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (9), 2228-2233. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Hopkins, A., Betts, M., Maaß, A., Dolan, R. J., Duzel, E. (2017) Emotional arousal and recognition memory are differentially reflected in pupil diameter responses during emotional memory for negative events in younger and older adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 58, 129-139. PDF
Liu, K.Y., Marijatta F., Hämmerer, D., Düzel E., Howard R.J. (2017) Magnetic resonance imaging of the human locus coeruleus: A systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 83, 325-355. PDF
Düzel, E., Guitart-Masip, M., Maass, A., Hämmerer, D., Betts, M. J., Speck, O., Weiskopf, N., Kanowski, M. (2015) Midbrain fMRI: Applications, Limitations and Challenges. In: fMRI: From Nuclear Spins to Brain Functions, BIological Magnetic Resonance, 581-609. PDF
Selected publications on changes in cognitive functions across the lifespan: Cognitive control
Hämmerer, D., Müller, V., Heekeren, H. R., Lindenberger, U., & Li, S.-C. (2014) Performance monitoring across the lifespan: Still maturing post-conflict regulation in children and declining task- set monitoring in older adults.Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 46, 105-123. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Li, S.-C., Völkle, M., Müller, V., & Lindenberger, U. (2013). The reliability of event- related potentials related to performance monitoring across the lifespan. Psychophysiology. PDF
Papenberg, G., Hämmerer, D., Müller, V., Lindenberger, U., & Li, S.-C. (2013) Lower theta inter- trial phase coherence during performance monitoring is related to higher reaction time variability: A lifespan study. NeuroImage, 83, 912-920. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Li, S.-C., Müller, V., & Lindenberger, U. (2010). An electrophysiological study of response conflict monitoring across the lifespan: Assessing the roles of conflict monitoring, cue utilization, response anticipation, and response suppression. Neuropsychologia, 48, 3305-3316. PDF
Li, S.-C., Hämmerer, D., Müller, V., Hommel, B., & Lindenberger, U. (2009). Lifespan development of stimulus-response conflict cost: Similarities and differences between maturation and senescence. Psychological Research. 73(6), 777-785. PDF
Selected publications on changes in cognitive functions across the lifespan: Reinforcement learning
Fitzgerald, T. H. B., Hämmerer, D., Friston, K. J., Li, S.-C., Dolan, R. J. (2017) Sequential inference strategies correlate with individual differences in brain structures. PLOS Computational Biology, 13(5): e1005418. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Biele, G., Müller, V., Thiele, H., Nürnberg, P., Heekeren, H. R. & Li, S.-C. (2013) Striatal Dopamine Signaling and Outcome Updating across the Lifespan: The Effect of PPP1R1B (DARPP-32) Polymorphism on Event-related Potentials. Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience. 4(89). PDF
Hämmerer, D. & Eppinger, B. (2012) Dopaminergic and prefrontal contributions to learning and outcome monitoring during childhood and old age. Developmental Psychology, 48, 862-874. PDF
Eppinger, B., Hämmerer, D. & Li, S.-C. (2011) Neuromodulation of reward-based learning and decision making in human aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1235, 1-17. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Li, S.-C., Müller, V., & Lindenberger, U. (2011). Life span differences in electrophysiological correlates of monitoring gains and losses during probabilistic reinforcement learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(3), 1-14. PDF
Selected publications on altering cognitive functions with non-invasive brain stimulation
​Ludwig M, Pereira C, Keute M, Düzel E, Betts MJ, Hämmerer D. (2024). Evaluating phasic transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) with pupil dilation: the importance of stimulation intensity and sensory perception. Sci Rep. 2024 Oct 17;14(1):24391. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-72179-4. PDF
Ludwig, M., Wienke, C., Betts, M., Zaehle, T., Hämmerer, D. (2021) Current challenges in reliably targeting the noradrenergic locus coeruleus using transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS). Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic & Clinical, 236, 102900. PDF
Hämmerer, D., Bonaiuto, J., Klein-Flügge, M., Bikson, M., Bestman, S. (2016) Biasing human value-based decision making with non-invasive brain stimulation. Nature Scientific Reports, 6:25160. PDF
Chen, J. A., Hämmerer, D., Strigaro, G., Liou, L.M., Tsai, C. H., Rothwell, J. C., Edwards, M. J. (2014) Domain-Specific Suppression of Auditory Mismatch Negativity with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125, 585-592. PDF
Chen, J. A., Hämmerer, D., Marshal, L., Strigaro, G., Liou, L.M., Tsai, C. H., Rothwell, J. C., Edwards, M. J. (2014) Bi-directional Modulation of Somatosensory Mismatch Negativity with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 592, 745-757. PDF